Petr Němec | 17.12.2024
Internet platforms and continuation of DAC 7 reportingTaxes, accounting, law and more. All the key news for your business.
Tax advisors from the BKR international network got together at their regular conference in Paris from 30 October till 3 November 2015. On behalf of the Fučík & partners company, represented by Mr. Ivan Fučík, it was the last conference after 7 years of cooperation.
“For me, Paris was the place of saying good-bye to BKR, but not parting with our friends and colleagues from around the world. We are leaving BKR but we are not leaving Prague, neither advisory business. Come to Prague! We will be delighted to treat you as well as Paris treated us.”
Petr Němec | 17.12.2024
Internet platforms and continuation of DAC 7 reporting| 16.12.2024
Travel expense reimbursements for 2025| 3.12.2024
Flood caregiver allowanceRichard Knobloch | 29.11.2024
Upcoming amendment to the VAT Act with effect from January 2025Petr Němec | 22.11.2024
Financial Statements for 2024 and Top-Up Taxes