Appraisals of intangible assets

The importance of intangible assets for companies keeps growing from year to year, and not only for young start-ups with innovative products or services. Intangible assets also play an irreplaceable role in traditional industrial companies in the form of technical solutions, trademarks and marketing assets that play a crucial role in commercial companies.

Appraisals of the value of these assets represent a rather complex area that requires specific approaches and methods, depending on the nature of each asset. We help our clients to identify and appraise potential intangible assets, either in the form of a narrowly defined appraisal of each asset or a complex review of the value of all potentially existing assets and liabilities as part of purchase price allocation.

We appraise:

  • Trademarks;
    Patents and utility models;
    Software and other copyrighted items;
    Contracts (client, franchise, right of use, etc.);
    Purchase price allocation and goodwill

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