International Taxes Advisory

We provide comprehensive services concerning international taxation with the support of the global Grant Thornton network.

We will provide you with the following services:

Foreign market entry

We will help you to enter a foreign market by setting up taxation and compliance.

Creation of international structures

We will provide you with tax assistance in establishing/creating international company structures, creating effective holding structures and setting up cash-flows within an international structure.

Review and elimination of risks of current structures

We will provide you with a tax review of current international structures with regard to their effective functioning and to the elimination of tax risks. We will propose changes to eliminate tax risks and to achieve tax savings.

Taxation of permanent establishments

We will analyse the origin and method of taxation of permanent establishments, prepare their tax returns and evaluate any potential taxation of assets moved from/to permanent establishments (exit tax).

Payments from/to abroad

We will verify tax liability for payments from/to abroad (withholding tax, tax security, reporting duty, exemptions).

News in the fight against aggressive tax planning

We will analyse the implications of international activities with respect to the fight against aggressive tax planning – BEPS, ATAD, DAC 6. We will also analyse compliance with reporting duty.

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