Appraisals of commercial establishments, their parts and securities

Appraisals of commercial establishments, their parts and securities require in-depth theoretical knowledge, understanding of company finances as well as experience. Appraisals of commercial establishments, their parts and securities are provided by our strong team of experts who have long-term experience that stems from a broad portfolio of thousands of their appraisals and know the latest trends thanks to their constant contact with academic circles and research in this area.

We specifically provide the following services:

Ownership interests in commercial companies

Appraisals of ownership interests, shares and participations are primarily based on company appraisal methodologies. When appraising a company, we usually use market value as defined in international valuation standards (however, always taking into account the appraisal purpose). If necessary, we use other values to appreciate companies, such as investment value, i.e. a value for a particular investor and the identified investment objective, or equitable value that takes into account transaction terms but is based on objective data. Depending on the appraised company, we use the revenue, cost or comparative method to determine its value.

Shares and share packages

Participations in cooperatives

Securities – e.g. debt securities (bonds, bills of exchange, etc.)

Our appraisals of all types of securities also include e.g. an assessment of their issuer’s financial standing based on our own rating models.

Assets and liabilities of companies

Of course, we can also appraise individual assets and liabilities, if the situation requires it.


We provide appraisals to companies in their initial phase (start-ups) or at the turning point of their development mostly for the purposes of obtaining additional financing for their owners or potential investors. We also assess their financial plan (see due diligence services).

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