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Milan Kolář | March 9, 2017

Electronic record of sales and the mediators

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The extension of electronic record of sales (e-sales) to retail and wholesale has impacted not only entrepreneurs, who make their living with the purchase and sale of goods, but also different subjects who mediate sales. There are many different forms of mediation and e-sales will apply differently to them. In every case it is necessary to work with the actual business relationship between the seller and the mediator and assess, whether the middlemen uses his or her name in contracts or the name of the seller, etc. These mediators are usually sales representatives but could also be discount portals, which gather and propagate offers of various sellers and service providers, and other subjects who take part in or help with closing a business deal.

If you make use of any kind of a mediator in your business or you are a mediator yourself and you are not sure about how to apply e-sales to your business, do not hesitate to contact our firm via our contact form and we will be happy to help you.

Author: Michal Scholtz