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| February 11, 2025
As of 1 January 2025, the Czech Social Security Administration (CSSA) began accepting electronic submissions from treating physicians and employers for additional sickness insurance benefits, namely maternity assistance, caregiver allowance, long-term caregiver allowance, paternity allowance and maternity compensatory benefit. This step, called eDávky, follows the successful launch of the eNeschopenka system in 2020 and aims to fully digitise communication between doctors, employers and insured persons.
Digitisation replaces the existing paper-based process and brings significant administrative simplification. Doctors will electronically file new cases, the system will then generate an identifier, which the insured person will give to his or her employer for payment of the benefit. The identifiers can be either in printed form or electronically via SMS or e-mail. Self-employed persons can also monitor the status of their benefit processing and the data confirmed by their doctor online on the ePortal of the CSSA.
The paper forms will be partially retained, but in a new form and only in case of system failures. In addition, the forms will not be downloadable from the website. Each paper form will have a unique number, so doctors must go in person to the nearest Social Security office to collect them. The original forms will remain in circulation for the first few weeks while healthcare providers get familiarised with the new systems.
The change concerns mainly paediatricians, gynaecologists, but also hospitals and ambulances. Employers and health care providers already received information about the new procedures last year already and have been able work on the implementation of the eDávky in their systems in advance.
The CSSA is confident that the transition will be effective and that all systems will be fine-tuned quickly. Nevertheless, it offers its assistance with any technical difficulties and enough time to give all involved the necessary confidence and avoid unnecessary pressure. It is expected that by the end of the first quarter of 2025, all treating physicians will be connected and fully digital.