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| August 19, 2024

Invest in the future. Subsidies up to 3 million for small photovoltaics

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Get a subsidy of up to CZK 3 million in combination with a soft loan and install a new photovoltaic power plant with an output of 1 kWp to 50 kWp on your business building or shelter. This is the first programme in a long time that enables the implementation of small-scale PV plants that do not require a building permit. 

In an effort to mitigate climate change, there have been quite a few grant calls for funding photovoltaics in recent times. Some are aimed at supporting the construction of a new power plant on public buildings, others on family and apartment buildings, and traditionally construction on business premises is also supported. The aim is to strengthen the energy independence of entities while increasing the use of clean energy. Grant calls aimed at companies are regularly announced from the Operational Programme Technology and Applications for Competitiveness, an example being the currently opened call Energy Savings.  

The National Development Bank has now prepared a new financial instrument to support and finance the use of renewable energy, which is intended to make it even easier for you to access the finance you need. The interest-free PV loan is open to all tradesmen, entrepreneurs and companies outside Prague, regardless of size. “An interesting feature compared to a standard subsidy programme, where the applicant has to pay for the project from his own resources first, is the possibility of financing through an interest-free loan, which allows the implementation of photovoltaics without own resources or with a lower requirement for own resources. Moreover, the entire loan is interest-free and the applicant does not lose anywhere. The subsidy is then provided in the form of a reduction of the total principal of the loan,” Martin Kalous, subsidy expert at Naviga Advisory and Evaluation, summarised the main advantages of the new instrument. 

In addition to the installation of PV on business buildings, the instrument also allows for the construction of shelters for cars, construction equipment or storage facilities, for example. And in addition to this, you can supplement your investment in a new PV plant with electricity storage. In this case, the rate of support can be as high as 50%. 

  • Support rate for PV: up to 30% 
  • Support rate for energy storage: up to 50% 
  • Amount of subsidy: CZK 500 thousand to CZK 3 million 
  • Reception of applications: 31 July 2024 to 31 December 2027 
  • More about the call