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| August 5, 2024

Summer Grant Tips: Invest in Digitalisation and Cyber Security

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Even though it is summer and many of you are using this time to travel, relax and spend time with family, there is quite a lot going on in the grant world. It is good to keep up to date so you do not miss out on opportunities to grow your business. Several subsidy calls are currently open to support business activities and a number of them are planned to be announced during the autumn. Go digital, develop new software or save energy.   

We bring you an overview of the most interesting calls from the Operational Programme Enterprise and Innovation for Competitiveness, which are intended for companies outside Prague. And to make it easier for you to navigate the world of subsidies, we will bring you these subsidy tips on a regular basis.  

“I consider the Digital Enterprise call to be the most interesting of the current offer of subsidies. Due to the generous subsidy support, companies that are dealing with automation or planning to invest in digitalization are more easily enabled to digitally transform their business with the help of newly acquired or introduced advanced non-manufacturing technologies and/or services that will lead to higher automation, digitalization or more efficient interconnection of company processes,” said Petr Koc, subsidy expert at Naviga Advisory and Evaluation. 

Digital Company: Develop digitalisation and strengthen cybersecurity 

From mid-July, it is possible to apply for a subsidy of up to 60% for investment or acquisition of new ICT services. Small and medium-sized companies outside Prague can obtain financial support for the purchase of non-production technologies and robotic autonomous machines, the development of intra-company connectivity or, for example, cyber security through the Digital Enterprise call.  

  • Amount of support: 25-60 %, max. CZK 50m  
  • Reception of applications: 15 July 2024 to 31 March 2025 
  • Territory of implementation: Czech Republic excepting the capital city of Prague 
  • More about the call 

Energy savings: Reduce energy consumption 

The Energy Savings Call, where it is possible to receive a subsidy of up to 80% for projects related to saving final energy consumption, is open for small, medium and large companies until next autumn. Start reducing the energy consumption of your business building: insulate, replace windows and install new heating and cooling systems. In addition, the support provided for reducing the energy performance of a building can be combined with support for other measures, and subsidies will also be allocated for measures outside the renovation of the building within the framework of energy management. You can therefore start preparing projects for the use of renewable energy sources or the modernisation of distribution systems. 

Marketing: Go abroad to a trade fair 

Interesting opportunities also are opening up for small and medium-sized companies with the Marketing call, which makes it possible to obtain a 50% subsidy for individual participation in exhibitions and trade fairs abroad. This grant can finance not only the rental of space and a stand, participation and operating fees, but also the transport of goods and the creation of promotional materials.  

  • Amount of support: 50 %, max. CZK 4.9m 
  • Reception of applications: 29 July 2024 to 28 March 2025 
  • Territory of implementation: Czech Republic excepting the capital city of Prague 
  • More about the call 

Innovation vouchers: Start communication and share know-how 

Step up innovation activities in your company. The Innovation Vouchers call aims to support activities leading to the development of communication and sharing of knowledge and know-how of the business and research sphere. The call will be open to small and medium-sized enterprises and applications are expected to be received from mid-October 2024. 

  • Amount of support: To be specified after the call announcement (October 2024) 
  • Reception of applications: 15 October 2024 to 30 April 2025 
  • Territory of implementation: Czech Republic excepting the capital city of Prague 
  • More about the call 

Application II: Develop new software 

In the course of the autumn, a new grant opportunity will probably open up not only for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), but also for small companies with a medium market capitalisation, mid-market capitalisation companies and large companies that meet effective cooperation with SMEs. Through the Applications II call, you will be able to receive financial support to carry out industrial research and experimental development in the field of software development. More detailed information will be available after the call is announced.  

  • Amount of support: To be specified after the call announcement (4Q 2024) 
  • Reception of applications: To be specified after the call announcement (4Q 2024) 
  • Territory of implementation: Czech Republic excepting the capital city of Prague 
  • More about the call 

Application III: Acquire new machinery, instruments and R&D equipment 

Together with the Application II call, the Application III call will probably also be announced, which will provide financial support for the implementation of industrial research and experimental development focusing on selected priority areas that have a high potential for creating a long-term competitive advantage for the Czech Republic. The range of potential applicants will probably be the same as for the call Application II, and in this case, too, we will know more after the call is announced.

  • Amount of support: To be specified after the call announcement (4Q 2024) 
  • Reception of applications: To be specified after the call announcement (4Q 2024) 
  • Territory of implementation: Czech Republic excepting the capital city of Prague 
  • More about the call 

Potential: Establish or further develop a research centre 

The Potential grant call will open to small, medium and large companies in November. It will provide funding for projects dedicated to the establishment or development of a research, development and innovation centre. The grant will also be available for the acquisition of new machinery, furnishings and other equipment for research and development. Currently, CZK 1 billion is earmarked for the call. 

  • Amount of support: To be specified after the call announcement (November 2024) 
  • Reception of applications: To be specified after the call announcement (November 2024) 
  • Territory of implementation: Czech Republic excepting the capital city of Prague 
  • More about the call 

Circular economy: Reuse waste 

The Circular Economy Call is expected to be launched at the end of 2024, targeting SMEs, but also small companies with a medium market capitalisation (up to 499 employees). The introduction of new technologies contributing to the transition to a circular economy will be supported. Specifically, you will be able to obtain subsidies for example for the introduction of technologies to produce a secondary raw material, a semi-finished product or a product from your own waste material, for the introduction of technologies for the reuse of your own production waste by incorporating it back into the production cycle and for the reduction of inputs in production.  

  • Amount of support: To be specified after the call announcement (December 2024) 
  • Reception of applications: To be specified after the call announcement (December 2024) 
  • Territory of implementation: Czech Republic excepting the capital city of Prague 
  • More about the call