Petr Němec | 17.12.2024
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Ivan Fučík | March 4, 2016
What is the best reaction when a revenue authority arrives to carry out an inspection? There is no universal answer to this question. Everyone will act differently in case of a tax inspection. But it is good to know several principles the respecting of which cannot do any harm. I will mention three of them which I consider crucial.
The principles I briefly listed naturally apply both to taxpayers and tax administrators and one can insist that those principle are respected in the course of a tax inspection.
3. Course of a tax inspection
A tax inspection is a procedure and therefore, it must have an object and scope. It must be precisely specified what tax is subject to the inspection and for what period. A tax inspection must be commenced and terminated in a manner specified in the Tax Code (i.e. there are precise rules both with respect to its commencement and termination). A tax inspection may be repeated only in exceptional cases laid down by law. At the end of each tax inspection, a tax inspection report is prepared. The report is not discussed but the result of the inspection findings is subject to a discussion and its conclusions are recorded in the report. The report includes taxpayer's comments and within those comments, the taxpayer may raise objections. A tax inspection is an ongoing process during which the tax administrator checks the claimed facts, collects information, collects and assesses evidence, takes evidence, informs the taxpayer of its partial conclusions and obtains taxpayer's comments. Within this procedure, the tax administrator communicates with the taxpayer, informs the taxpayer of its partial conclusions and of the partial results of inspection findings, including assessment of evidence, and presents them to the taxpayer for comments. On the basis of those actions, it reaches final conclusions and informs the taxpayer of the conclusions. The taxpayer must present a complex opinion on its factual and legal assessment of the situation concerned and the taxpayer has the right to comment on this opinion, to propose its amendment and to suggest other evidence. Following the taxpayer's comments, the tax administrator prepares an official record that will become a part of the tax inspection report. Where the taxpayer does not agree with the inspection results, it may appeal against the decision based on the inspection (in practice, taxpayers most often appeal against decisions representing additional tax payment assessment with respect to the taxable period and tax inspected).
As I mentioned at the beginning, these are only the basic rules the following of which is suitable and beneficial in case of a tax inspection. If you wish to learn more, including practical advices, you are welcome to attend our educational Tutorial to be held at the seat of our company on 3 March 2016. Details are available at www.......