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| January 27, 2025

The most interesting subsidy titles for entrepreneurs. From creative vouchers to the development of coal regions

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In this overview, we will present the most interesting opportunities for your business development. The focus of the grant calls is really varied. Choose the most suitable one for your investment project and develop your business activities. “As usual, the current range of announced titles covers many sectors. Personally, I would single out the Digital Enterprise programme. In view of the tightening legislation in the area of cybersecurity, I would recommend even to small companies to take advantage of this opportunity and start systematically building secure intra-company connectivity,” said Ondřej Miffek, an expert on subsidies from Grant Thornton. 

In December, another call Creative Vouchers from the National Recovery Plan was announced. The application process will open in March, making this the ideal time to start preparing your project application. We would like to draw your attention to the Transformation programme, thanks to which small and medium-sized companies in coal regions can obtain a soft loan for the purchase of machinery and buildings. There is also still an opportunity to apply for a soft loan with a subsidy for installation of small photovoltaic power plants

Transformation Loan: Get a soft loan for machinery and equipment in the coal regions 

Due to the Transformation Programme, small and medium-sized entrepreneurs from structurally affected regions (the Moravia-Silesia, Ústí and Karlovy Vary regions) can apply to the National Development Bank for an interest-free loan of up to CZK 100 million. The 10-year loan can be used for acquiring tangible and intangible assets, such as purchasing machinery, equipment and buildings or for superstructures and renovations.  

  • Amount of support: loan up to CZK 100 million 
  • Reception of applications: 17 April 2023 to 31 December 2026 
  • Territory of implementation: the Karlovy Vary, Ústí nad Labem or Moravian-Silesian regions 
  • More about the call 

Interest-free PV loan: Finance new photovoltaics with a loan and subsidy 

Installation of a photovoltaic power plant can be financed using a financial instrument of the National Development Bank. Companies outside Prague, regardless of size, can receive a subsidy of up to CZK 3 million in combination with a soft loan for the purchase of PV plants with an output of 1 kWp to 50 kWp on business premises, including shelters. For the first time in a long time, this is a programme that enables the implementation of small-scale PV plants that do not require a building permit. In addition, the investment in a new PV plant can be supplemented by electricity storage. In this case, the rate of support can be as high as 50%. 

  • Amount of support: up to 30% for PV plants, for energy storage up to 50% 
  • Reception of applications: 31 July 2024 to 31 December 2027 
  • Territory of implementation: Territory of the Czech Republic, outside the capital city of Prague 
  • More about the call 

TWIST: Conduct research and development in AI 

You can currently use the call from the TWIST programme to fund industrial research and experimental development in your company. A grant of up to CZK 30 million can be awarded to projects developing and using artificial intelligence (AI). The output of the project must be at least one of the following: a pilot plant, a proven technology, a utility model, an industrial design, a prototype, a working sample, software and a digital solution. The call is intended for small, medium and large companies across the Czech Republic and will only be open until mid-February.  

  • Amount of support: up to 70 % 
  • Reception of applications: 4 December 2024 to 12 February 2025 
  • Territory of implementation: Territory of the Czech Republic, the entire Czech Republic 
  • More about the call 

Potential: Develop R&D centres in Deep Tech 

The establishment or development of industrial research, development and innovation centres can be funded through the current Potential call. Specifically, small, medium-sized and large companies (up to 3 000 employees) can benefit from support for the acquisition of technology, equipment and other facilities necessary for research and development activities. The call is specifically focused on Deep Tech, which are technologies that present significant scientific or technical challenges requiring prolonged research, development and increased investment. Deep Tech technologies include advanced materials, aerospace, artificial intelligence and robotics.  

  • Amount of support: 15 to 70 % 
  • Reception of applications: 23 October 2024 to 9 October 2025 
  • Territory of implementation: Territory of the Czech Republic, outside the capital city of Prague 
  • More about the call 

Digital Company: Expand digitalisation and improve cybersecurity 

The Digital Enterprise subsidy call is currently open, thanks to which small and medium-sized companies can obtain subsidies for investment or acquisition of new services or non-production technologies in the field of information and communication technologies. Specifically, this may include, for example, digital transformation projects, in-house connectivity or the creation of a digital twin. 

  • Amount of support: 25 to 60 % 
  • Reception of applications: 15 July 2024 to 31 March 2025 
  • Territory of implementation: Territory of the Czech Republic, outside the capital city of Prague 
  • More about the call 

Application: Carry out corporate research and development 

In December 2024, reception of applications for the call Applications – DEEP TECH (III) was launched. This call supports industrial research and experimental development projects aiming to increase the technological readiness of advanced technological solutions and to demonstrate highly innovative processes, products and services. In February 2025, reception of applications for the Application II call will probably be launched, which will allow companies to finance implementation of experimental development of digital solutions. 

  • Amount of support Application II: 25 to 60 % depending on the size of the company 
  • Amount of support Application III: 25 to 80 % depending on the size of the company and category of activity 
  • Reception of applications Application II: 20 February 2025 to 20 May 2025 
  • Reception of applications Application III: 16 December 2024 to 19 March 2025 
  • Territory of implementation: Territory of the Czech Republic, outside the capital city of Prague 
  • More about the Application II call 
  • More about the Application III call 

Innovation: Start product and process innovation 

Next February, another subsidy call, Innovation for small, medium and large companies (up to 499 employees), will open to increase the technical and utility values of products, technologies (product innovation) and services and to increase the efficiency of production processes and service provision (process innovation). The grant can fund technology, software and data, intellectual property rights and product certifications. 

  • Amount of support: 15-60% is expected depending on the size of the company and the region of implementation 
  • Reception of applications: 18 February 2025 to 30 May 2025 
  • Territory of implementation: Territory of the Czech Republic, outside the capital city of Prague 
  • More about the call 

Creative vouchers: Embark on soft innovations 

Take advantage of the services of a creative professional registered with the National Gallery of Creative Artists and get a subsidy of up to 80% for soft innovations with the third Creative Vouchers call. Have a new marketing strategy, service design or web design created. Small and medium-sized companies across the Czech Republic can apply for support and the application process will open in March. 

  • Amount of support: up to 80 %  
  • Reception of applications (first-time applicants): 3 March 2025 to 7 March 2025 
  • Reception of applications (supported in previous calls): 10 March 2025 to 14 March 2025 
  • Territory of implementation: The entire Czech Republic 
  • More about the call 

Are you interested in one of the grant titles and would you like help with the preparation of a project application? Didn’t find a call suitable for your investment project? Contact us. We will be happy to point you in the right direction and provide all the paperwork necessary to obtain grant funding.