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| November 11, 2021

The National Accounting Council (NAC) has approved a draft interpretation – NI-67 Advance payments received in foreign currency – for an external comment proceeding

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The aim of the interpretation is to set an accounting solution for reporting received advance payments in foreign currency in the financial statement.

The draft interpretation has already undergone internal commenting in the working draft interpretation stage among the individual NAC member institutions through their methodological committees. After the external commenting procedure is completed, the final text of the approved NAC Interpretation will be published together with a brief report informing about the settlement of the comments received. This draft follows up on the already issued Interpretation I-43 Advance payments provided, so this is now a perspective on advance payments from the other side – the selling party). 

Comments regarding this draft interpretation may be sent until 31 December 2021 to the address and

The source including the draft interpretation itself: