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Zbyněk Bolcek | May 30, 2022

WHITE PAPER: Czech Republic plans to use EU money to cover railway corridors with 5G mobile signal

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The neighbouring countries in the EU have been investing significantly in improving mobile data connectivity in remote locations. The Czech Republic is preparing to use a similar European programme to improve the coverage of railway corridors with 5G mobile signal. What conditions of the subsidy programme is the Czech Republic preparing compared to other European countries?

This is summarised in our study “Benchmark and proposal of specific aspects of the challenge of train corridor coverage with 5G signal”, which analyses in detail the basic parameters of successful notification programmes to support the development of mobile networks. As part of the benchmark, we looked at three developed Western countries (Germany, Spain and Italy) to obtain information on the setting of key support parameters in the area of coverage of economically unprofitable locations by mobile technologies. 

“If you build high-quality, sufficiently robust telecommunications towers along the corridors using European funds, the entire society will benefit. For example, the Railroad Infrastructure Administration will hang the necessary technologies for modern corridor security on a tower, the mobile operator will equip the towers with mobile antennas, and passengers will benefit from much higher quality mobile Internet connection throughout their journey,” says Zbyněk Bolcek, Managing Partner at Grant Thornton Advisory. 
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Author: Zbyněk Bolcek