Jiří Dvořák | 2.11.2023
Offer of European grants from the CEF Digital programmeJiří Dvořák has been working at Grant Thornton in the post of Senior Manager and he leads a team of energy consultants. He focuses on projects in the field of energy, alternative technologies, fuel and waste. The projects relate to strategies for and development of the electricity grid, waste solutions in cities and innovation projects focusing on alternative transport solutions (hydrogen, LNG, electromobility), energy repositories and renewable energy sources. He also focuses on their financing from European subsidy schemes.
He began his career at ČEPS in the position of an analyst, and subsequently a specialist for strategy and development of the transmission grid. He was also in charge of financing of the development of the transmission grid from European sources. He then worked at the Ministry of Industry and Trade as deputy director of the energy department. He was in charge of strategic development of the energy sector (preparation of the State Energy Conception) including European legislation on development and financing of grids.
He has been working in the energy sector for more than 13 years and in consulting for 8 years. In the course of his career, Jiří has gained unique know-how related to legal and regulatory issues on one side (at the Ministry of Industry and Trade) and to business and technical matters on the other (ČEPS, T&H energo). Jiří is fluent in English.
Jiří Dvořák | 2.11.2023
Offer of European grants from the CEF Digital programmeJiří Dvořák | 17.10.2023
Offer of European grants from the CEF Transport programmeJiří Dvořák | 1.6.2023
Contributing to meaningful projects never gets old, says Jiří DvořákJiří Dvořák | 21.4.2023
How to benefit from the programme for employee training? We can advise youJiří Dvořák | 23.3.2023
Upcoming calls of the Operational Programme Technology and Applications for CompetitivenessJiří Dvořák | 21.3.2023
Subsidies for training your employees available againJiří Dvořák | 7.3.2023
Subsidies for corporate training are startingJiří Dvořák | 14.11.2022
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