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Jan Nešpor | September 19, 2024

Offer of free legal assistance for individuals and local authorities affected by the floods

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GT Legal, s.r.o. offers free legal assistance to individuals and municipalities affected by the floods. We realise that you are currently busy clearing up, counting the damage and dealing with the aftermath of the floods. In this complex situation, it is time-consuming and technically demanding to gather information and deal with administratively or legally challenging situations.

For this reason, we are reaching out to those of you most affected by this disaster to offer legal assistance within our capacity.

In our experience, you will currently need the most help in the following areas:

  • Claim for insurance benefits

Need to report an insurance claim? Don’t know what your policy covers and need to deal with your insurance company?

  • Use of public support or subsidies

Don’t know if you are eligible for public support and where and how to apply for it? Would you like to use public subsidies but don’t know if there are any and how to apply for them?

  • Dealing with lease agreements, mortgages and other payments

Have you been forced to leave your home but at the same time you have to pay rent, mortgage or other payments? Or on the other hand, are you renting out a property and don’t know how to resolve the tenants’ situation?

  • Rights and obligations under labour law

Are you unable to attend work either because you are currently needed elsewhere or you are unable to get to work? Do you know what claims and obligations you have towards your employer or employees?

  • Inability to meet financial or business obligations

Have you lost income and you are unable to make regular payments or have you fallen behind in the delivery of certain goods or services?

We can help you not only in these situations. We will assist you with the necessary paperwork (filling in forms for you, contacting specific people), advise you on how to proceed, or represent you in negotiations with other entities such as your employer, your clients, bank, insurance company, state, school or other institutions.

If you are in distress as a result of the floods and would like to use our services, please contact us at